
A reflective OU MBA study and action journal on management-related topics.

Posts Tagged ‘doctorate in business administration

New world order

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Well despite my best intentions I haven’t managed to update my blog for more than a month! But I have a good excuse seeing as I started a new job a few weeks ago. I also found out my OU MBA result. I was awarded a Merit so I am “well-chuffed” as they say! I am now busy working out the details of my graduation ceremony. I am hoping for Paris and the Palais de Congress Versailles. It’s not everyday you can graduate from the grounds of a palace…shame it isn’t the Chateau itself, but I think my husband believes my ego is inflated enough already!

In many ways it seems that my MBA journey is over. No more assignments to write-oh the horror-or projects to research. But in other ways a new world order has been created and I see the world differently. I have already been researching the value of process mapping the customer’s sales and marketing journey and thinking in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. What can I say, I am a changed woman.

I’m still interested in further study and I hear that the OU are thinking of launching a Distance learning DBA (Doctorate in Business Administration) so my plan is to keep blogging and researching whilst I dream up a practical business project as my next study goal. For now, however, I will enjoy my time off and new job.